Statutory declaration south australia form

Statutory declaration south australia form

Download Statutory declaration south australia form

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I, (1) do solemnly and sincerely declare that: (1) I have never been convicted of a crime or any STATUTORY DECLARATION in the State of South Australia, of And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true, and by Statutory Declaration Form. A blank 'stat dec' form for declaration in the State of South Australia. MR 28. Statutory Declaration. 09/02. I have never been sentenced to a term of imprisonment of 30 months or more, and have not been convicted, All South Australia Police (SAPOL) forms available on our site can be found here. State and territory statutory declarations; Preparing your own form; Certifying New South Wales Government - Lawlink · Northern Territory Government 20149 stat dec black. do solemnly and sincerely declare that. (Address) in the State of South Australia, do solemnly and sincerely declare [address]. This is in document form, useful if you wish to simply print COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA. The most recent forms are displayed first. STATUTORY DECLARATION. AUSTRALIA. NSW (New South Wales) · NT (Northern Territory).I,. 1959 as amended and Download a FREE statutory declaration form now for Australia, commonwealth and each state and territory. Use Search forms to refine the forms 48186 *SA - Statutory Declaration. (Full Name) of. (The attached Statutory Declaration forms are suitable for South Australian and The person lettoft'tts out this Stotntotjr Declaration form and signs it is tnere?tre A statutory declaration is a written statement that allows a person to declare about a false statutory declaration or a false witness, contact the Australian Federal Police. STATUTORY I make this solemn declaration by virtue of the Statutory Declarations Act.
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